All of our data is sourced in-house meaning that every data point passes our inspection to confirm it's accuracy. We cross-check our data against numerous data sources, including established ground truth ones like IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) for example for electricity sockets & voltages.
Data refresh rates depend on the data itself and vary from days to a month. Data that is unique like currency or embassy information is more frequently refreshed than cultural data like tipping information.
The data is provided in two main ways - structural and textual data. Structural data is computer-readable and therefore language independent. As such, it requires you to reconstruct human-readable content on your side. Textual data is human-readable content that we provide for you so you don't have to recreate it yourself.
Yes, The Basetrip platform supports multiple languages (within textual data). Currently available languages are English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian and Croatian with more of them coming in near future.